22 August 2007

Coffee Branding

Coffee should always be served with water, that is if you take a long time drinking it. The Austrians serve water with their coffee and this is a logo of their famous national brand of coffee called Julius Meinel. European coffee marketing and branding is snazzy. Even the names are snazzy Illy, Lavazza, versus Folgers/ Maxwell House. I'd like (if I can go from start to finish) to brand/market/distribute and as much as possible standardize oolong tea and green tea. The problem is tea culture is all about taking a long long time to brew and drink the tea and this approach doesn't fit most people's lifestyles so this is definitely a niche product and market. I have a very unfinished website for this purpose called teabarista.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree about water being served with coffee. I always take my coffee with water. So when I take it while in a cafe', I always have a standard ordering line, "and ice cold water please." Some cafe's (whether in Asia or U.S.) have open water bars in a corner of the shop. Which is convenient. But often, without, ergo...